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Corporate Culture

Internal communications

We believe that great communications help organisations thrive. They unite employees behind strategic goals, build relationships and trust, smooth organisational change, and inspire positive action.

Often organisations want colleagues to better understand and trust the rationale for changes happening in the business, to focus more on customer needs, or to work more efficiently, safely or sustainably. Effective communication can help you bring your story to life, make the right connections for your people, and provide clear direction and line of sight between business purpose and strategy and employee action.

Ultimately, communications can help your employees to feel pride in the organisation and believe in its future and their role in that future. This, in turn, will add value to your business and help your organisation to succeed.

Internal communications strategy and campaigns

Never has communication with colleagues been more important for organisations to consider. We are witnessing the biggest shakeup in working life in over 100 years. In the past two years, billions of us, at various times, in various countries, were required to work from home. Work was no longer defined as a place, but by the activities we took individually and together to deliver for each other. And this shows no real sign of changing in the post-pandemic world, as many organisations move to ‘hybrid’ working.

The impact on internal communication, and those who lead it, has been immense; from finding ways to inform people about what’s happening to and within the organisation, and keeping people connected in new ways, to considering the bigger questions, such as how does a shift to home and hybrid working affect relationships with leaders and colleagues, and what does it mean for equality and share of voice?

Although the context has changed, we believe that fundamentally the challenge is the same as it has always been – how to create more conversations, and connect colleagues across the organisation to the things that matter to them, and to customers or clients. And how you do that in an authentic way that supports your organisation’s brand and culture.

We can help with…

Internal communications audits

Review your communication practices to ensure your communication is getting the impact and realising the outcomes you need.

Strategy planning

Define or refresh your internal communication strategy to ensure it underpins your organisational journey and aligns to business goals.

Campaign development and design

Create impactful campaigns and content, with compelling copywriting and design that bring your stories and messaging to life.

Employer brand and employee value proposition (EVP)

An Employee Value Proposition (EVP) articulates what it means to work for your organisation. At the heart of an EVP is a promise by the organisation of what it will offer its people and what it wants in return. It’s an articulation of the employment deal, and the foundation of your reputation as a place to work.

EVPs have formed the basis of talent management for many years. Compelling EVPs can help you attract and recruit the kind of people you want to work for you. Authentic EVPs will help ensure people are more likely to stay and feel engaged. However, the pandemic has changed the relationship between people and their work. Organisations are now competing for the best people, the workforce is more mobile and flexible than ever, there’s a huge number of vacancies, and people are increasingly discerning in what they expect from employers. An organisation’s EVP must evolve to reflect these changes. Failing to do so is a risk.

The creative expression of your EVP, or your employer brand, can be as important as what they say. Great design can bring your EVP to life and inspire existing and prospective colleagues to join you and stay. Our deep understanding of how people process and react to design, on both the conscious and unconscious levels means we can help create effective and impactful EVPs and employer brands to ensure your organisation remains not only competitive in the talent marketplace, but also a great place to work.

We can help with…

Creation of a compelling EVP

Creation of compelling EVPs that engage emotionally, and are rooted in reality and aligned to your purpose and brand.

EVP testing and activation

Testing the proposition against what employees experience day-to-day in the workplace, and defining coherent plans to embed into your business.

Employer brand development and design

Creation of a visual expression of your EVP that brings to life the uniqueness of your organisation across a range of touchpoints.

Company narrative and storytelling

In today’s dynamic and unpredictable world, where organisations face seemingly bigger pressures than ever before, a key challenge is how best to take employees, partners and customers with you on your organisational journey.

A strong organisational narrative can help navigate the way forward, by communicating where you are now and how you’re going to get to where you need to be, while highlighting the part everyone plays in that journey.

A narrative takes a range of elements – the organisation’s heritage and purpose, its context for change, its vision, strategy, values and desired behaviours, and the benefits of delivering the change – and draws them together into a coherent, inspiring, directional and actionable story that underpins and can drive engagement and communications.

We all know the power and prevalence of stories; they are essential to human interaction and evolution. Stories mould our views, our beliefs, and the ways we absorb and share information.

Every business, brand, product, service and campaign builds its connections, relationships, character and loyalty using story and narrative. Savvy organisations, especially those contemplating a period of change, understand the need to own their narrative, and to use it to engage colleagues, partners and customers in the future.

We can help with…

Narrative structure and frameworks

Create a core organisational narrative that answers the key questions in a way that resonates with colleagues.

Co-creation with employees

Gather employee voice through workshops and innovation sessions that get to the heart of what colleagues think and feel.

Bringing your story to life

Create effective, inspiring and impactful communications that bring colour, depth and vibrancy, and which fully engage and immerse colleagues.

Want to discuss an internal communication project?

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