Check out our latest thinking.

How to harness behaviour-led design
Let’s start with a definition… Behaviour-led design uses the latest behavioural science insights to shape the creative process, and design outputs...

Applying behavioural science to passenger safety
A top priority for all transport operators is, of course, ensuring passenger (and colleague) safety. An integral and essential part of...

A new platform to help diagnose and strengthen your culture
It can be tricky to get an objective view of where you are on your culture journey, especially when you’re immersed...

ChatGPT poses a business-critical threat and a culture-defining opportunity
ChatGPT is an example of a Large Language Model (LLM), known colloquially as an A.I. chatbot or virtual assistant. There are...

The easy case for climate action
I was in Sardinia in May with my climate-sceptic buddy. His personal view is that climate change may be happening, but...

Down the cycle path: a route to active travel and a sustainable future
In today’s fast-paced world, where convenience can take precedence over personal wellbeing, it’s crucial to find ways to incorporate physical activity...

Become an innovator (part 12): Make mental models
This blog series explores the shared characteristics of innovative people and organisations, with a particular focus on what innovators think, feel,...

If I can’t help everyone, does helping a little even matter?
In my previous article on prosocial behaviour, we looked at how we can present information in a particular way to encourage...

Become an innovator (part 11): Make connections
This blog series explores the shared characteristics of innovative people and organisations, with a particular focus on what innovators think, feel,...

Fostering a positive safety culture in the transport industry
In the transport industry, the wellbeing of colleagues and employees is at the forefront of organisational priorities. From road accidents to...

The answers to the big questions facing business
Have you ever asked yourself any of these questions: How do we frame our journey, share our story, and align our...

5 attributes to help you accelerate your sustainability culture
We’ve recently been reflecting on the challenges we all face on climate, society, environment, biodiversity etc., and on the fact that...