Compass Group provides food and support services to more than 55,000 locations in over 50 countries. Road transport is a huge part of its global operation, with Compass vehicles clocking up 350 million km annually. However, following a number of recent tragic road accidents involving its staff, Compass asked us to create a powerful global campaign to help employees drive safely.
We began by analysing the behaviours behind the leading causes of road deaths globally, including mobile phone use, not wearing a seatbelt, speeding and driving tired.
Based on the insight, we created a name, messaging and illustrated design style for the campaign – Drive Safe, Home Safe – which is simple, memorable, benefits-driven, and reflects Compass Group’s overarching Safety First programme.
To enable global campaign roll-out, we created a toolkit of materials that are easy to adapt for local audiences. Launch materials include posters, an employee guide, presentation slides with speaker notes, and an animated film that explores the impacts of poor driving behaviours, and deals with colleague road deaths sensitively but honestly, to inspire all employees to drive safely.