FCC Environment is committed to removing risk from the workplace for colleagues and for everyone that interacts with the business. Thanks to the prior efforts of FCC and its employees, accident and incident rates had been reduced from 2010 levels by 22% and 62%, respectively. But with plenty of room for improvement, FCC asked us to reimagine its health and safety brand to help all colleagues adopt the right safety behaviours.
To ensure the refreshed health and safety brand and communications were cohesive, we began by crafting a core narrative to frame the development and delivery of all campaign collateral.
This narrative explored the context for change, the importance of a zero tolerance approach to risk, and what FCC Environment planned to do to make it easier for employees to stay safe.
We then created a campaign look and feel that blended the chevron elements of the client’s brand with recognisable safety iconography. Messaging struck the balance between recognising success to date while motivating colleagues to do more. The campaign was rolled out across a suite of materials, including a powerful animated film, employee guide, and digital communications. ‘Safety. Let’s Keep it Going’ was well received across the business and is now helping colleagues to prioritise everyone’s wellbeing.