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Liverpool CCG

A campaigning brand to underpin city-wide stakeholder engagement

Is it possible to capture the vibrancy of a city and the diversity of its people in a single campaigning brand? We set out to do exactly that with Liverpool Clinical Commissioning Group’s Healthy Liverpool programme.

We began by creating a vibrant brand style that marries a sense of fluidity with a clear overarching structural rules. The textured waves of colour at the heart of the brand motif reflect the campaign’s intended ripple-effect of positive health outcomes, while also referencing the city’s storied nautical heritage.

The bold keyline blocks then structure text and imagery against this dynamic background, echoing the programme’s robust framework for delivering far-reaching health benefits.

We then applied this flexible and powerful brand to a wide range of engagement materials, including a website, a Prospectus guide, and a campaign launch film. The result is a powerful public-engagement programme, with the potential to help shape a healthier future for everyone in the city.