Check out our latest thinking.

How do we understand and tackle misinformation?
In this first of a planned series of blogs on the biggest questions and latest findings in behavioural science, behavioural consultant...

Lens thinking
I’m yet to work on a project that presents a two-dimensional, black-and-white problem to solve. Real-world problems are complex, and because...

Insight Spotlight: the UN’s new Practitioner’s Guide to Behavioural Science
According to António Guterres, UN Secretary-General: “Behavioural science is a critical tool for the UN to progress on its mandate. It...

Speaker session: Can we create a codex of human motivation?
What if, every time you had a transformational change project, you could identify the specific motivation that would achieve real change?...

The top 10 impacts you’ll face in the 2020s (part 2)
As part of our recent work to help organisations become more future-proof, we identified hundreds of seismic shifts in external context...

Being a human organisation (part 5): Grasp the context
Welcome to part five of this nine-part series on how to be a more human organisation. In previous articles, we’ve looked...

The top 10 impacts you’ll face in the 2020s (part 1)
As part of our recent work to help organisations become more future-proof, we identified hundreds of seismic shifts in external context...

Get motivated to improve your behaviour change interventions
It’s nearly 80 years since Maslow published his theory of human motivation, and a lot has changed since then in our...

Become an innovator (part 4): Ask the right questions
This blog series is exploring the shared characteristics of innovative people and organisations, with a particular focus on what innovators think,...

Six ways to change staff behaviours towards Net Zero, at work and at home
Encouraging our collective workforce to adopt more sustainable behaviours is a no-brainer to accelerate the transition to Net Zero. For all...

Being a human organisation (part 4): Define what you believe
Welcome to part four of this nine-part series on how to be a more human organisation. In previous articles, we’ve looked...

Changing behaviours through social norming
Humans are inherently social beings and, therefore, in moments of uncertainty, we often look to others around us to understand what...