Check out our latest thinking.

Employee experience: Nine key trends in the post-pandemic world
In 2021, we spoke about how the view of employee engagement was changing and how employee experience (EX) has increasingly become...

Become an innovator (part 3): Embrace the power of ideas
This blog series is exploring the shared characteristics of innovative people and organisations, with a particular focus on what innovators think,...

Speaker session: How to achieve behaviour change on the big challenges
In these uncertain times, how can we create sustainable cross-sector action and behaviour change on the most pressing challenges? How do...

Health behaviour change: a place-based solution
In December 2021, the NHS in England experienced its worst A&E waiting times since records began, with around 13,000 patients waiting...

Being a human organisation (part 3): Define and live your purpose
This is part three of our nine-part series on how to be a more human organisation. In previous articles, we’ve looked...

Speaker session: How we learn to think long-term
The last decade and a half have brought four massive contextual storms that have reshaped our world: the global financial crisis...

Future proof: How good are you at strategic planning?
How do you prepare for the future so your organisation survives and thrives? That’s the topic of our new report “Future...

How to attract and retain the best talent in 2022
I first heard the term ‘War For Talent’ in around 1998, as a young Research Manager working in the field of...

Keeping your people safe and well
The Covid-19 pandemic has heightened our collective awareness of the health and wellbeing needs of our colleagues, customers and communities. From...

What makes an innovator (part 2): Harness all of your senses
This blog series is exploring the shared characteristics of innovative people and organisations, with a particular focus on what innovators think,...

Behaviourally-focused solutions to the food waste problem
The recent triple-header of storms Dudley, Eunice and Franklin have reminded us all, once again, of the growing frequency and severity...

Climate change: time to adapt
Climate change dominates the 2022 Global Risks Report from the World Economic Forum. Also this month McKinsey release a new report...