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Hot topics Health behaviour change

Increasing wellbeing, at scale

Corporate Culture Group is one of the UK’s leading behaviour change consultancies. We have extensive experience of working with public, private and non-profit organisations to help them imagine and implement groundbreaking health behaviour change campaigns, at the local and national level.

Behaviour change experience

We understand the challenges of engaging hard-to-reach audiences in lasting behaviour change. We have deep expertise in balancing context, audience insight, stakeholder analysis, messaging and creative interventions to maximise benefits to citizens, organisations and the healthcare system.

We’ve successfully delivered over 200 insight-driven behaviour change projects for around 50 NHS bodies, third-sector organisations and pharmaceutical companies, on a huge range of health issues ranging from Covid-19, cancer and diabetes to healthy weight and use of services.

  • On service use, we’ve helped dozens of NHS PCTs and SHAs to promote efficient use of services (Choose Well, NHS Direct), define urgent and primary care strategies (NHS Wirral, NHS Camden), define pilot testing, launch grass-roots interventions, and co-create services (NHS Sefton).
  • On cancer, we’ve worked with NHS Trusts, charities and business to gather insight into bowel, breast and lung cancer screening and presentation (NHS England, NHS Liverpool, NHS Derby), used positive and uplifting messaging to help with the fight (London Health Board), boosted skin cancer referrals (CRUK), and created tools to help marketing teams engage oncology professionals (AstraZeneca).
  • On healthy weight and CVD, we’ve created campaigns around healthy cooking and eating (Coventry HIP, NHS Tower Hamlets), built strategies and brands for community resilience and interventions (Liverpool CCG, Liverpool’s Challenge), designed initiatives to promote healthier eating amongst children and young people (School Food Trust, NHS Health Scotland, CHAMPS), and engaged women in fitness and heart health (Sport England, Pfizer).
  • On smoking and substances, we’ve helped tackle underage and binge drinking (NHS Sandwell, Drinkaware), defined user journeys and delivered insight and strategy on substance misuse (NHS Salford, NHS Camden), and implemented grass-roots smoking cessation campaigns (NHS Wirral, NHS Trafford, City and Hackney PCT, West Essex PCT).
  • On diabetes, we’ve created interventions to drive uptake of structured learning (NHS NW Coast), co-designed solutions to increase self-management behaviours (Pfizer), and developed new campaigning brands and strategies (Diabetes UK).
  • And on COVID-19, we worked with Essex County Council on communications, targeted interventions and a supporting brand to create a Covid-safe culture across the county by establishing new behavioural norms and habits among citizens.

We can help

The challenges for individuals and organisations around physical and mental health and wellbeing are severe and accelerating. Let us help you harness insight to engage your colleagues, customers and citizens around healthy behaviour change.